Category: off-grid appliances
Wonderwash – a good idea for off-grid washing
There are several household appliances that use a lot of energy, and because of that, may require a special setup of some sort. For example, if one was to use the microwave oven along with electric kitchen stove, off-grid energy sources like solar photovoltaics or wind turbines might not provide sufficient power. Unless you spend […]
Saving energy and money with off-grid household items
Living off the grid is a challenging effort, but the success of the lifestyle is worth the effort. Living off the grid essentially means using nothing more but renewable energy sources, like wind or sun for power supply. Maybe to have the entire home power supplied with a renewable energy might be a little difficult […]
Off-grid appliances: washing mashine
This is the first detailed post in the new series about appliances for off-grid living. Today I want to start with the washing mashines, as I think they are the most interesting. Not only you can change ordinary washing mashine to one suitable for renewable energy sources, but also you can buy one suitable for […]
Appliances for off-grid living
Living off the grid doesn’t mean you have to live like in the 15th century, doing everything with your own hands. Much of typical house work is done today by some appliances. If you want to live off-grid, you probably don’t want to get rid of those appliances. So what should you do? If you’re […]